Feedback Form for changes in Idaho IC 39-4804
Have you ever been told that Immunizations/Vaccines are Mandatory or Required in Idaho – for daycare, school, employment
or by your pediatrician? If you answered YES, your testimony is needed.
Idaho Code, Title 39, Chapter 48 contains the immunization laws governing Idaho. Most people have no idea that I.C. 39-4804 clearly states that parents or legal guardians are to be notified prior to the administration of a vaccine/immunization: (1) Immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or other grounds; (2) Participation in IRIS - the immunization registry - is voluntary; and (3) The parent or guardian is entitled to an accurate explanation of the complications known to follow such immunization. On the back of our explanation sheet is the current law. In January 2016, the Idaho Health Freedom Coalition and our sponsor in the Idaho Senate or House will be introducing a bill with the intention of putting “teeth” into I.C. 39-4804. In order for this proposed bill to pass out of committee, we need dozens of written testimonies of specific instances where I.C. 39-4804 was violated. In order for this proposed bill to pass out of committee, we need dozens of written testimonies of specific instances where I.C. 39-4804 was violated. Please use our online form below or if you wish, print either this page or our explanation sheet and fill out the information inquiry lines and send to: Ingri Cassel, director NVIC Advocacy – Idaho Chapter P.O. Box 235 Hayden, Idaho 83835-0235 Explanations, Current and Proposed Law: Please note: copies of each online submission will be given to the Idaho legislative committee that considers our proposed changes in law. Also note that we will contact you to confirm that you sent the email . You can add best contact times, numbers, etc in the Details: message section. Many thanks for supporting our efforts. If you have any questions, call 208-255-2307.
Tell us your experience with Idaho Immunization requirements.
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